Rock Run Physical Therapy MSK POCUS Training

One of the primary goals for WCUI is to promote the use and benefits of ultrasound technology across multiple professions outside of the sonography field. In doing so, our WCUI CME Division has been tasked with building inroads for point-of-care ultrasound education with non-sonographer communities. In October of 2020, WCUI partnered with Rock Run Physical Therapy in Utah to enhance patient care through a Musculoskeletal Ultrasound POCUS Training Course.

Musculoskeletal ultrasound is a powerful tool that physical therapists can utilize in their practice to enhance patient care by immediately determining if a patient is or is not a candidate for physical therapy, immediately determining the severity of a patient’s injury, visualizing joints post-treatment sessions, and determining the need for other imaging.

The training with Rock Run focused on upper and lower extremities in musculoskeletal ultrasound and was led by instructor Jeannine Noble PT, RMSK. During the training, Jeannine and the Rock Run Team utilized mediums such as Canvas for didactic material, a hybrid approach consisting of a virtual lab through the use of Butterfly teleguidance, and a hands-on lab training at the Rock Run facility in Roy, Utah.

The training concluded in January of 2021 with rave reviews of the owner of Rock Run, Brandon Hepner. After the course, attendees became comfortable with musculoskeletal ultrasound of the most commonly scanned anatomy, the ability to identify normal and pathological joints on ultrasound, and earned their POCUS Fundamentals Certification and POCUS MSK Certification. We enjoyed our partnership with Brandon and his team and look forward to seeing them continue to utilize these skills in their practice.

As we continue into 2021, WCUI’s CME Division will continue to partner with additional physical therapy groups, nationally in Pennsylvania, Florida, and Maryland. As a Certified POCUS Training Provider, the WCUI CME division will work to spread the knowledge of ultrasound and its ability to enhance patient care.

ENROLLING NOW!   Now enrolling for Spring Term starting April 1

-1220Days -4Hours -11Minutes -55
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